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Wednesday, 5 March 2014

It's bolt out of the blue to media and all Pawan Kalyans' fans who were highly expecting Pawan to reveal his political plans. Perhaps, for the first time, Pawan Kalyan has not kept his promise. Taking everyone by surprise, Pawan has called off the press conference and sent a retraction to his previous statement which had been in the news for the past 3 days.

Few media houses even went to an extent by reporting that Pawan Kalyan ...................More
It's bolt out of the blue to media and all Pawan Kalyans' fans who were highly expecting Pawan to reveal his political plans. Perhaps, for the first time, Pawan Kalyan has not kept his promise. Taking everyone by surprise, Pawan has called off the press conference and sent a retraction to his previous statement which had been in the news for the past 3 days.

Few media houses even went to an extent by reporting that Pawan Kalyan - See more at: http://www.gulte.com/news/25493/Chiru-used-Mother-card-for-Pawan#sthash.MYeXANpo.dpuf
It's bolt out of the blue to media and all Pawan Kalyans' fans who were highly expecting Pawan to reveal his political plans. Perhaps, for the first time, Pawan Kalyan has not kept his promise. Taking everyone by surprise, Pawan has called off the press conference and sent a retraction to his previous statement which had been in the news for the past 3 days.

Few media houses even went to an extent by reporting that Pawan Kalyan - See more at: http://www.gulte.com/news/25493/Chiru-used-Mother-card-for-Pawan#sthash.MYeXANpo.dpuf

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